Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday WOD

5 rds for time of the following: 50 double unders OR 200 SKIPS, because I can't Double Under. Along with 15 DB Split Jerks. I used #20 and worked on Technique and Explosion. Finished in 17:21. Looking forward to riding in the AM. Ride will be 30 -35 km from Home to Matheson Lake and back.


To help keep us all motivated to try new things. I have created a leader board based around competition. Every time you compete in a organized event, you will be awarded pts. based on the lenght of the event and it's nature. ex. Easy/moderate/ hard/ extreme/ 5km/ 8km /10km etc. So for example.If you compete in the Times Colonist 10km race, you would receive 10 pts. If you compete in a Marathon you will receive 20 pts. I will have a complete breakdown of points based around different events and rules and PRIZES to you in the next couple of day's. Events that I will be looking at to include are: Kayaking, Mountain Biking, Triathlon,CVI Competitions,Adventure Racing etc. Give me some feedback if you would like to see anything else added.

See you tomorrow

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