Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Leg's are sore.

It's my 2nd day back at it, after taking the past extended weekend off to travel to the BIG EASY for some football. And my leg's are DEAD!

So my question to you is .Are you recovering after your workouts ?If not check in with one of the coaches to get some tips on how to make sure you're recovering in between all of your workouts.

WOD. 4 rds for time of 100 ft of walking lunges, 30 box jumps and 30 Pull ups.

Completed work out in 22:23, Subbing Pull ups with Ring back pull ups, box jumped on 16 inch box and walking lunges using 20 pound dumbbells.

Ride Portion of day:

Dynamic warm up with the noon group. Mountain bike workout for Wednesday. Completed 3km and a easy tempo 1000m climb. Gearing 48/17. Followed with 3 Steep hill climbs (12% grade) of 800 m #1 4:20, #2 4:35, #3 4:18. Resting 3 minutes between each climb. Completed the ride with a 4km cool down. Total Ride time was 45 minutes. Waited 4 plus hours before completing Daily WOD at

* Just a reminder that We are climbing Mount Finlayson this Sunday at 10 AM sharp.*

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