Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Base Mileage cont'd

I went and did it. I signed up for the MOMAR race this coming September 25. I also purchased my UCI Bicycle Racing License. That's ONE big step towards achieving my goals for this year. How is everyone making out with their goals so far? Let me know via comments on my Blog page.

I'm going to be Blogging all my daily workouts and rides. I would like my RACING friends to do the same via COMMENTS. So if you are training for a 5 km , half marathon, full marathon , triathlon, keep me posted with your training volume i.e. daily run/rides/swims, hills, sprints etc. I can then help you peak for the races that are important to you.

RODE 30 Km Mtn Bike. Moderate tempo with 2 climbs included. No WOD today. Resting those achy muscles with a Sauna and lot's of water. That's 55km of my weekly goal of 150km.

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