Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spring Already?

Another beautiful day on Vancouver Island, I took full advantage of it and did my hill work this morning.

How is your recovery going? Are you feeling rested? Sore? Make sure and check in with one of our coaches to know of all the possibilities and secrets to good recovery.

Began morning with a Dynamic warm up of 15 min. Followed with a 3 km warm up on my mtn bike. Then 4 - 800m hill climbs with a 1 to 1 rest ratio. #1 2:33 #2 2:53 #3 2:27 # 2:47. Followed this with a easy 5km cool down ride. 2nd workout of the day will be the posted wod from for Wednesday. I passed on the Double under portion of the WOD, calves are still sore from the last skipping workout and I don't need a muscle strain to slow me down. Completed 96 total reps for knees to elbows, 240 squats, 100 push ups.

I took a look at a couple of old training journals of mine to see what my past hill workouts look like. And it was nothing similar to what I did to day. In the early 90's when I competed in Cycling events my typical hill climbing day would see me in the saddle for 3 plus hours and close to 75 km of mileage. Today's session was 45 mins in total time and 14 km in distance. Still kind of sceptical to see if this method will be enough to get me back to a highly competitive level. I keep you posted on how I feel.


See you tomorrow

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