Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Wod

Rain, Rain,Go Way. and it did in the afternoon. Unfortunately I had scheduled my ride for the am hrs. So not wanting to get soaked and muddy I went to the gym and rode the spin bike for 40 minutes. I visualized my daily ride in my head and cranked out a 25 minute interval done at a moderate to high intensity level.I followed that up with participating in the Dynamic warm up with the noon group.

Saturday's plan is to begin the day with the Movement and Stretch class at 9:15 am at B2B. Following that up with a 40-50 km Mtn bike ride out to the Sooke Potholes and back. I'm hoping to meet up with Jason and Holly on the Goose around 1:00pm, somewhere close to Roche Cove.

Recap of Friday workout. Rode 45 min on the Spin bike with moderate resistance which included a 25 min interval (level 7), followed with 15 min of Dynamic Movement and Stretching.

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