Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little off.

Wow, How can a team totally dominate a football game and still not win? Well if you watched the football game on Sunday, you saw the Vikings do that exact thing. They were fully in control and shot them selves in the foot with a Mental "BRAIN FART" with under 2 minutes to go.So I was a little of with my prediction for the game. Better luck next time.

I spent the weekend in New Orleans with Coach Harrington and we had a blast. Good food , entertainment and a killer football game to boot. We left Friday night and came home Monday evening. We pent more time travelling to get there and back , than we did in New Orleans but we would do it all over again for the experience.

Started back at it today with 15 minutes of Dynamic line work followed by the WOD of the day

12 Pull ups, 12 Ring Dips, and 75 squats. 3Rd's for time. Completed it in 10:15. Subbing pull ups for Paralette push ups, and Ring dips for Paralette dips. Still not able to really do any action above my head which seems to set my left shoulder off. Tomorrow I'm back on the bike.

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