Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The above picture is from Tuesday night practice with the Thunderbirds. At approximately 5 minutes into practice , coach Jeff has them working a deep squat glide and stretch. If our player's are not effectively warmed up prior to this drill , the effectiveness is lost. A full dynamic off ice warm up is crucial! Warm up should include hip and shoulder mobility, deep body weight squats, spinal flossing drills, as well as a brief intense cardio blast. NO LONG JOGS, NO STATIC STRETCHING. MOVEMENT MOVEMENT MOVEMENT! Usually ten to fifteen minutes is suffice for most player's. Those dealing with limitations due to previous injuries should consider warming up for 20 minutes or more. Remember this. When you hit the Ice, you should be ready to GO.

“We can take one of two roads in life: One is the broad, well- traveled road to mediocrity, the other is the road to greatness and meaning.” -Stephen Covey

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